FRUZAQLA® (fruquintinib) patient resources

Patient resources are available to help your patients and their caregivers

We help patients continue their journey with FRUZAQLA by providing helpful educational resources.

Patient Brochure

FRUZAQLA® (fruquintinib) Patient Brochure.
Information for patients who are taking FRUZAQLA

Dosing Calendar

FRUZAQLA® (fruquintinib) Interactive Dosing Calendar.
Help your patients track their treatment schedule

Takeda Oncology Here2Assist® Enrollment Form

Takeda Oncology Here2Assist® Enrollment Form.
An interactive PDF to help your patients get started with Takeda Oncology Here2Assist®

Additional resources for your patients can be found on the FRUZAQLA patient website.

Share these additional metastatic colorectal cancer patient resources, including colorectal cancer support groups, with your patients

Besides the support patients will receive from their oncology team, there may be additional supportive resources available. Encourage your patients to become even more active in their care by reaching out and finding the people, tools, and educational resources that they may need.

  • COLONTOWN a community of more than 100 private groups on Facebook for colorectal cancer patients and care partners.
  • Colon Cancer Coalition works to increase access to screenings and educate the public about signs and symptoms of colorectal cancer.
  • Colorectal Cancer Alliance advocates for prevention, magnifies patient support, and accelerates research to end colorectal cancer.
  • Global Colon Cancer Association helps patients get fair access to necessary colon cancer and colorectal treatments, screenings, and more.
  • Fight Colorectal Cancer provides balanced and objective information on colon and rectal cancer research, treatment, and policy.
  • Say Yes to Hope provides resources, information, support, and hope to all those who are affected by advanced cancer.

Takeda Oncology is not affiliated with any of these organizations. By listing these resources, Takeda Oncology is not endorsing any particular service or group and we are not responsible for the content of these sites or services. They are provided here for informational purposes and are not meant to replace the medical advice of a healthcare provider.

Takeda Oncology Here2Assist® Patient Support Program 

We're here to help your patients with their coverage, financial, and educational resource needs.

Resources for Healthcare Professionals

Tools to help support your patients with mCRC.